Cropper.js 1.0 | Cropper.js 2.0 |
viewMode | Use the <cropper-image> element's transform event to limit image boundaries, or use the <cropper-selection> element's change event to limit selection boundaries. |
dragMode | Use the <cropper-handle> element's action property. |
initialAspectRatio | Use the <cropper-selection> element's initialAspectRatio property. |
aspectRatio | Use the <cropper-selection> element's aspectRatio property. |
data | Use the <cropper-image> element's $setTransform method, and the <cropper-selection> element's x , y , width , and height properties. |
preview | Use the <cropper-viewer> element. |
responsive | Deprecated. |
restore | Deprecated. |
checkCrossOrigin | Deprecated. |
checkOrientation | Deprecated for performance reasons. As an alternative, it is recommended to use a third-party library, such as JavaScript-Load-Image. |
modal | Use the <cropper-shade> element. |
guides | Use the <cropper-grid> element. |
center | Use the <cropper-crosshair> element. |
highlight | Use the <cropper-action> element. |
background | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's background property. |
autoCrop | Use the <cropper-selection> element's initialCoverage property. |
autoCropArea | Use the <cropper-selection> element's initialCoverage property. |
movable | Use the <cropper-image> element's translatable property. |
rotatable | Use the <cropper-image> element's rotatable property. |
scalable | Use the <cropper-image> element's scalable property. |
zoomable | Deprecated. |
zoomOnTouch | Deprecated. |
zoomOnWheel | Deprecated. |
wheelZoomRatio | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's scaleStep property. |
cropBoxMovable | Use the <cropper-selection> element's movable property. |
cropBoxResizable | Use the <cropper-selection> element's resizable property. |
toggleDragModeOnDblclick | Use the <cropper-handle> element's dblclick event to toggle action on dblclick. |
minContainerWidth | Deprecated. |
minContainerHeight | Deprecated. |
minCanvasWidth | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's min-width CSS property. |
minCanvasHeight | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's min-height CSS property. |
minCropBoxWidth | Use the <cropper-selection> element's min-width CSS property. |
minCropBoxHeight | Use the <cropper-selection> element's min-height CSS property. |
ready | Use the <cropper-image> element's $ready method. |
cropstart | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's actionstart event. |
cropmove | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's actionmove event. |
cropend | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's actionend event. |
crop | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's action event. |
zoom | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's action event. |
Cropper.js 1.0 | Cropper.js 2.0 |
crop | Use the <cropper-selection> element's $change method. |
reset | Use the <cropper-image> element's $resetTransform method, and the <cropper-selection> element's $reset method. |
clear | Use the <cropper-selection> element's $reset method and hidden property. |
replace | Use the <cropper-image> element's src property. |
enable | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's disabled property. |
disable | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's disabled property. |
destroy | Deprecated. Drops all the Cropper elements from the DOM directly. |
move | Use the <cropper-image> element's $move method. |
moveTo | Use the <cropper-image> element's $moveTo method. |
zoom | Use the <cropper-image> element's $scale method. |
zoomTo | Use the <cropper-image> element's $setTransform method. |
rotate | Use the <cropper-image> element's $rotate method. |
rotateTo | Use the <cropper-image> element's $setTransform method. |
scale | Use the <cropper-image> element's $scale method. |
scaleX | Use the <cropper-image> element's $scale method. |
scaleY | Use the <cropper-image> element's $scale method. |
getData | Use the <cropper-image> element's $getTransform method, and the <cropper-selection> element's x , y , width , and height properties. |
setData | Use the <cropper-image> element's $setTransform method, and the <cropper-selection> element's x , y , width , and height properties. |
getContainerData | Deprecated. |
getImageData | Use the <cropper-image> element's $getTransform method. |
getCanvasData | Deprecated. |
setCanvasData | Deprecated. |
getCropBoxData | Use the <cropper-selection> element's x , y , width , and height properties. |
setCropBoxData | Use the <cropper-selection> element's x , y , width , and height properties. |
getCroppedCanvas | Use the <cropper-selection> element's $toCanvas method. |
setAspectRatio | Use the <cropper-selection> element's aspectRatio property. |
setDragMode | Use the <cropper-handle> element's action property. |
Cropper.js 1.0 | Cropper.js 2.0 |
ready | Use the <cropper-image> element's $ready method. |
cropstart | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's actionstart event. |
cropmove | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's actionmove event. |
cropend | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's actionend event. |
crop | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's action event. |
zoom | Use the <cropper-canvas> element's action event. |